Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Local Foods

Cooking verities kind of food is a tradition of Bangladesh. In Bangladesh we use various kind of spices. For this reason our food is very attractive and colorful. Our cooking is a culinary art_form. Many non-Bangladeshis people have eaten Bangladeshi food without knowing them. Many European are also found of Bangladeshi foods. In Europe many Bangladeshi restaurant are build up.Now a days Bangladeshi foods are available and very common in Asia. Eating in Bangladesh is an interesting and big experience. In Bangladesh food has many different styles with thousands of  restaurants in all the major cities and towns of  Bangladesh. Sweets items are also very common in Bangladesh.Kacha-golla, Rasho-gollah, kalo-jam, shandesh, mishti doi, shemai, chamcham are the most common and attractive sweets items in Bangladesh.